Friday, April 22, 2011

Hensley's 5th Birthday!

Ok so this is suuuuper late but I just realized that I never published this because I never finished finding all the pictures so I am thinking I am probably not going to so here ya go 4months later....

My sweet and spunky princess turned 5 Wednesday, April 20th. I think she actually got to celebrate more this year than any year in the past since on her actual birthday we were slam packed that day. Here is the run down of her celebrations :)
Tuesday, April 12th...
*Hensley had a party at Chuck-E-Cheese with her Aunt Lindsay who turned 31
Friday, April 15th...
*Spend the night party with 5 of her bestest buddies
Wednesday, April 20th...
*On her actual birthday her ever so sweet daddy brought her a cookie cake to her class for snack time so her whole class could celebrate with her
*For lunch we went to a picnic and egg hunt with my CBS core group hosted by a very gracious Hope Sewell who made very yummy rainbow cupcakes and gave Hensley a "Birthday Girl" pin to wear so everyone would know it was her special day. Thanks Hope! :)
*During our would be quiet/nap time Hensley and I took Babyman home for his nap with Daddy and we headed over to see Mrs. Kelli and Charlie who are home from Bahrain for a visit. Charlie's granparents were having a birthday celebration for him since he turned 5 a couple weeks ago and he ever so sweetly shared his celebration with Hensley. He even let her help him blow out the birthday candles and open his gifts. Charlie brought her an awesome Bahrain soccer uniform for her birthday gift which she totally loves!
Friday, April 22nd...
*Hensley ended her last celebration with Grandmama and P-pops at Old Mexico for dinner. They got her another Lalaloopsy that she wanted and a cupcake on a stick (yummy). The waitress and waiters suprised Hensley with the big hat and happy birthday song in spanish. Hensley is never one to get embarrassed but her little face turned red when she was caught off guard, but she quickly gathered her wits about her when she realized SHE was the center of attention...WHICH IS TOTALLY HER FORTE!

Hensley has had many different amazing birthday celebrations, I hope she knows what a special little girl she is!





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